Distinct Programmes Services
community partners
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We are a team of highly skilled employment professionals who help match reliable and hard working candidates with good employers in our community.

Our team’s distinctive, people-centred approach, works diligently and persistently to assist both candidates and employers during the pre-hire, hiring, and initial transition period of employment. In addition, we can provide a service of long term monitoring to ensure the ongoing success of our candidates and the sustained satisfaction of their employers.

We are one of the first ODSP (Ontario Disability Supports Program) Service Providers in the Ottawa Region.

We are committed to offering a high level of guidance and support to both our clients and employers. Our goal is to help people with disabilities find and keep satisfying jobs. Our services are bilingual, centrally located, and specialized in psychiatric health issues. We are proud of our 80-90% placement success rate, and are always striving to do better.

Download a PDF of our brochure:
English (212 KB)
French (208 KB)

helping persons with disabilities reach for a better future

people holding hands and helping eachother


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Distinct Programmes Inc. – Specialized Employment Services in Ottawa, Ontario – Call 613-260-9059